Merry Christmas!
Give gifts to children who need and appreciate them. Give the gift of love.
The department stores are putting out their holiday displays. I don't mind. It's a wonderful season. I like to think of it as pre-advent. Let's get ready, to get ready, for the coming of the babe who will bring salvation. I love the Christmas story. It brings tears to my eyes when I think what it would have been like for his earthly mother and father. The conception, the birth, the miraculous signs and wonders.
Of course Christmas is just a celebration remembering what Jesus has already done for us. He came, he walked and talked, lived and breathed, he died and rose again -- that we might have eternal life. And make no mistake, He came to save the world, not to condemn it. That's the message we should share more often than we do. God so loved the world...
Think on that for these next couple of months while the lights are blinking, the music is playing, and the jolly fat gift giver is handing out presents. Grab onto the gift God gave and live ever after.
Habakkuk 2:2 "Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others." Why? Because the day of His coming may be near. And if not that, the day of my going could be near.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Psalm 90:17
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Really? Two Blogs?
What made me think I could keep up two blogs? Here, let's do this...
I know that's cheating, but hey, I'm only cheating myself -- out of writing practice. Still.
I know that's cheating, but hey, I'm only cheating myself -- out of writing practice. Still.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Be Safe and Secure
The nicest place to be is in someone's thoughts. The safest place to be is in someone's prayers.
And the best place to be is in God's hands.
C. Marilyn Austin
Sunday, September 11, 2011
God Bless America
I'll probably be embarrassed for posting this tomorrow, but that doesn't stop me now. It's something I've been thinking about all day.
I heard that there was a service to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 held at "Washington National Cathedral, representatives from several religions will be leading—including a Buddhist nun, an Imam, a rabbi, and a Hindu priest—but no Protestant or evangelical Christian. President Obama will be attending and delivering his remarks on Sunday evening. (Click here to read the article from Fox news.)" I just copied and pasted so that link probably won't work. No matter, I'm not a fan of Fox news -- just wanted you to know where this information came from. Below is my response to Paul Chappell's blog post entitled Where is Tolerance? Pastor Chappell motivated me to write something since, as I said, I was thinking all day today on this sad anniversary of 9/11 about Christians, faith, politics, and tolerance...
Today many of us evangelical Christians pray for God to bless America while slandering the leadership He has placed over us. For better or for worse, we're not a tolerant people. It's no wonder we find ourselves excluded from nationwide events that promote tolerance.
Let's forgive whoever was responsible for excluding Christians from the commemorative service for 9/11. That would be the Christ-like thing to do. Besides, it was a service to honor the fallen, and we Christian evangelicals can't always be trusted to stick to the script. Hey, any platform to tell people about Jesus! More importantly, if we stop throwing stones at sinners (a category we all fall into) we might get included in that exclusive, but not all inclusive, club that promotes tolerance here in the good old U.S.of A.
(And my reply to Jonas Harley's comment in which he says,
I heard that there was a service to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 held at "Washington National Cathedral, representatives from several religions will be leading—including a Buddhist nun, an Imam, a rabbi, and a Hindu priest—but no Protestant or evangelical Christian. President Obama will be attending and delivering his remarks on Sunday evening. (Click here to read the article from Fox news.)" I just copied and pasted so that link probably won't work. No matter, I'm not a fan of Fox news -- just wanted you to know where this information came from. Below is my response to Paul Chappell's blog post entitled Where is Tolerance? Pastor Chappell motivated me to write something since, as I said, I was thinking all day today on this sad anniversary of 9/11 about Christians, faith, politics, and tolerance...
Today many of us evangelical Christians pray for God to bless America while slandering the leadership He has placed over us. For better or for worse, we're not a tolerant people. It's no wonder we find ourselves excluded from nationwide events that promote tolerance.
Let's forgive whoever was responsible for excluding Christians from the commemorative service for 9/11. That would be the Christ-like thing to do. Besides, it was a service to honor the fallen, and we Christian evangelicals can't always be trusted to stick to the script. Hey, any platform to tell people about Jesus! More importantly, if we stop throwing stones at sinners (a category we all fall into) we might get included in that exclusive, but not all inclusive, club that promotes tolerance here in the good old U.S.of A.
(And my reply to Jonas Harley's comment in which he says,
Monday, August 22, 2011
Summer Wanes
On my other blog, Regeneration, I log the happenings of my life. Lately that's mostly been done in pictures. Modern technology is a wonder! But I miss writing. Describing things with words to help me capture the essence and ambiance, the flavor, warmth and mood of all that occurred in those photos.
For instance, if I took a picture today and showed you the sun shining on the trees and grass, making the pool water sparkle and the bits of quarts in the cement walkway glisten, you'd think it was a hot summer day. But no. It's rather cool today and the sun keeps ducking behind clouds. I'm in the house and need a light on in the middle of the day. It's cool in here. There are goose bumps on my arms and my toes are cold. Tom is at work and the house is quiet. No one visiting, swimming, or playing on our swing set, and I have no where I have to be. It's just me, the sleeping dog, and the purring cat. I'm enjoying the solace and thinking I'd like it to continue for a few more hours. What are the chances?
To hold on to peace and quiet is to hold the sun and delay it's rising or setting. It's unnatural. So instead we relish each moment of peace like we relish each sunrise at the beach when the sun just clears the horizon and streaks it's light right toward you where you sit on the sand. Click. That's me taking a mental picture, because this isn't going to last.
For instance, if I took a picture today and showed you the sun shining on the trees and grass, making the pool water sparkle and the bits of quarts in the cement walkway glisten, you'd think it was a hot summer day. But no. It's rather cool today and the sun keeps ducking behind clouds. I'm in the house and need a light on in the middle of the day. It's cool in here. There are goose bumps on my arms and my toes are cold. Tom is at work and the house is quiet. No one visiting, swimming, or playing on our swing set, and I have no where I have to be. It's just me, the sleeping dog, and the purring cat. I'm enjoying the solace and thinking I'd like it to continue for a few more hours. What are the chances?
To hold on to peace and quiet is to hold the sun and delay it's rising or setting. It's unnatural. So instead we relish each moment of peace like we relish each sunrise at the beach when the sun just clears the horizon and streaks it's light right toward you where you sit on the sand. Click. That's me taking a mental picture, because this isn't going to last.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Lesson from Buzz Lightyear
Camp Venango for Jesus – July 2011 – Day 4
Good Morning Camper!
It’s your last day of camp, so read the verse one more time (maybe you have it memorized, and can recite it in your head. If so – Woohoo! Good for you!)
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
Do you realize what an awesome God we have? He’s huge – bigger than we can ever imagine – infinitely big.
I am a Toy Story fan and one line in the movie makes me chuckle every time I hear it. Buzz clicks out his wings, stretches his arms, and says, “To infinity and beyond!” Did you laugh? I mean, really, there is no end to infinity, so how is Buzz going to go beyond it? Yeah well, that was before he knew that he was just a toy, a child’s plaything. His realization that he was just a toy was a sad moment in the movie. But when he accepted what he was, he became a better toy (and so much more likeable!).
It’s the same for us. When we realize who and what we are – little people (itsy-bitsy compared to God, as if there is any comparison), and sinners to boot. When we accept our short comings, weaknesses, smallness, and our sins, and acknowledge how great God is – we become better people.
Have you done this? (And it won’t hurt to do it again, today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life.) Thank God for his love and for sending Jesus to die in your place for your sins. Get saved from a life of meaningless toil. Get in touch with the help and power that is in you – the Holy Spirit who is all powerful because he is God.
Then you can live a joy filled powerful life.
Power. Buzz thought he had great power: a laser beam, a life sustaining helmet, direct contact with Star Command, and the ability to fly. But no, he only had blinking lights and sounds and gimmicks. The best he could do was fall with style. Just like us. In our own power all we can do is light up a very small space on our good days, make some noise, and rarely can we even fall with style.
But when we put ourselves, the person God made us to be, in His hands, he supplies the power and will use us (YOU and me) for His glory.
Ah Lord God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I may have asked you this before, but I come again, knowing you love to have your children call out to you, Abba, Father, Daddy, God. Come into my life fresh and new. And again I thank you and praise you, Father God for all things you’ve created and all things you do, through Jesus your Son, by the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
All things from God the Father, through God the Son, by God the Holy Spirit
Camp Venango for Jesus – July 2011 – Day 3
Theme: All things from God the Father, through God the Son, by God the Holy Spirit
Good Morning Camper!
Here’s the verse. Read it again…
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
So God made us and gave us everything, and then he sent his Son to die for our sins, and then his Son (Jesus) asks him (GOD) to give us a Counselor, a helper, a Holy Spirit to be with us forever. Think about that. You have the Holy Spirit living in you – something non believers don’t have, can’t have, don’t understand. I mean they just don’t get it. But you, as a follower of Jesus, do!
Romans 5:5 ...God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. The Holy Spirit is sometimes pictured as fire. Can you feel fire burning in your soul? It’s a super fantastic amazing awesome glorious feeling when the fire of heavenly love is burning in your soul! (That’s borrowed from a hymn writer. “…The Holy Spirit came, all glory to His name! The fire of heavenly love is burning in my soul!”
And that's a fire you don't want to put out. In fact, here’s a great goal for the rest of your life: to live as if the Almighty, All powerful God lives in you; because He does if you asked Him to. And if that’s true, that HE lives in you, there will be a noticeable difference in YOU, right? You betcha!
Isaiah 6:3 tells us that God is holy, holy, holy. Matthew 5:48 says God is perfect. In John 8:12 Jesus calls himself the Light of the world, and in Matthew 5:14 he tells his followers that they are the light of the world. Then, in Acts 2:3, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, there were tongues of fire – just like what John the Baptist was talking about when he told the disciples that when Jesus came he would baptize them with the fire of the Holy Spirit!
So, God is holy, Jesus is the light, the Holy Spirit is fire. So there’s your goal. Be perfect like God, full of light like Jesus, and on fire like the Holy Spirit. Any time you feel less than perfect – get more of God in your life! When darkness is overtaking you – get more Light, get more of Jesus in you! If life is dragging you down and you are bored and blah, spark it up! Call on the Holy Spirit, who is with you all the time – and get on fire!
Hey, it works for me, and it will work for you too.
Dear God,
Come into my heart in a way that makes me long to be like you: holy and perfect, full of light and love, a radiating fire that spreads the Good News. The world needs to know you. The world needs love and light and repentance and a Savior. Stir a fire in me so that I can reach out in love to those who are lost and tell them about you. I love you God. Amen.
Friday, June 24, 2011
All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, By God the Holy Spirit
Day 2 of Camp Venango for Jesus
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
Good morning Camper!
Jesus is God’s Son. Who knew?
· The devil knew, and he tried to tempt Jesus to sin (Matthew 4:1-11).
· The demons knew and they howled and cried out in terror (Luke 8:28).
· The blind man knew. He called out and was healed (Mark 10:46-52).
· The thief on the cross knew, and he got to go to paradise with Jesus (Luke 23:42).
The Old Testament told that a savior, the Son of God would come to earth – about a zillion years before it happened. (A zillion years is a huge exaggeration.) The New Testament tells about Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection. Even history books tell about Jesus. But what’s that to you? Nothing until you meet him heart-to-heart and get to know him. And after that, Jesus means everything to you.
Once you have a relationship with Jesus nothing can stop you! Er, well, nothing but sin. Yep it’s still a bit of a problem. All through the Bible there are lists of sins that we need to keep away from, and I don’t know about you, but that’s hard for me. I am constantly reminded that I can’t do it on my own. John tells us in the Bible that he wrote these things down so we would stop sinning, but – here’s the good part – if we do sin, Jesus, God’s Son will defend us to his Father in heaven. He’ll cover for us when we confess our sins. 1st John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful…and will forgive our sins…” How cool is that? The holy, righteous, good, Jesus goes to bat for us not-so-good and sometimes downright rotten people. (You can read more about it in 1st John 2:1-11.)
But hold on a minute…I hope you know that believing in Jesus isn’t enough. Remember those demons mentioned above? They believed. Oh yeah, and they still believe, and they shudder. They believe in Jesus, but they don’t honor him or obey him. That’s a problem. You don’t want to be like that. Believe in Jesus with all your heart and obey his commands. John 14:15 (right before our theme verses, John 14:16-17) says, “If you love me you will obey my commandments.”
Dear Jesus,
I know you are the Son of God and I believe in you, but I want to do more than believe. I want to know you and obey you. I’m giving myself to you, because you gave your life for me. Please be the Lord of my life and the King of my world every minute of every day. I love you Jesus. Amen.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, By God the Holy Spirit
Day 1 of Camp Venango for Jesus -- July 2011
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
Good morning Camper!
Did you read that scripture verse? Do you understand it? Jesus is saying that he is going to ask his dad, father, GOD to give YOU the Holy Spirit. Wait a minute…who is YOU? I mean, who are you? Yeah, I’m talking to you. But Jesus is talking to his disciples, the guys who followed him around, the people who believed in him.
Are you like one of them – a believer and follower of Jesus? If not, let’s get that taken care of…
Here’s what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
· #1 Know this – God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. If you want the wonderful life he’s got planned for you read on.
· #2 God is perfect! But the bad news for you is – you’re not. You are a sinner (sorry to sound judgmental, but it just so happens we’re all sinners. Yeah, me too.) What can you do about that?
· #3 Face it. Admit it. Be sorry for it. Ask God to forgive you. He is so happy to forgive us when we call out to his son, Jesus, who took the punishment for our sins, and died on the cross. Jesus gave his life for your sins! Tell him you’re sorry – and thank Him for dying for you and your sin.
· #4 Ask Jesus to come into your life…and…and…I’m not telling the rest. The next part is my story, and it’s so cool. It’s so exciting. But you need your own story. Ask Jesus to come into your life and see what happens.
· #5 If you do that today – tell a friend, tell a camp counselor, tell someone. If you’ve done that before – ditto – tell someone YOUR story!
So, what is it that comes from God? Oh… just…everything: You, me, the world around us. In the beginning God created everything and He called it all good. You can read about that in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.
God created you, cares for you, and loves you. In fact, he lavishes his love on you. 1 John 3:1
says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” God the Father is a great dad. Can you feel the love? If you know him you’ll know his love.
says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” God the Father is a great dad. Can you feel the love? If you know him you’ll know his love.
Dear Father God, Dad in heaven,
How can I thank you enough for sending Jesus to die for my sins and for sending a helper, the Holy Spirit? I’ll thank you by loving you, listening to you, obeying your Word. With your help I’ll do my best. Thank you for loving me even though I’m so far from perfect. I can almost hear you say, “I love you.” You say it through all the beauty you created right here along French Creek, through the people here, friends and counselors. And, Heavenly Father I want to say… I love you back! Amen.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, By God the Holy Spirit
Day 1 of Camp Venango for Jesus
16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
Good morning Camper!
Did you read that scripture verse? Do you understand it? Jesus is saying that he is going to ask his dad, father, GOD to give YOU the Holy Spirit. Wait a minute…who is YOU? I mean, who are you? Yeah, I’m talking to you. But Jesus is talking to his disciples, the guys who followed him around, the people who believed in him.
Are you like one of them – a believer and follower of Jesus? If not, let’s get that taken care of…
Here’s what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
· #1 Know this – God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. If you want the wonderful life he’s got planned for you read on.
· #2 God is perfect! But the bad news for you is – you’re not. You are a sinner (sorry to sound judgmental, but it just so happens we’re all sinners. Yeah, me too.) What can you do about that?
· #3 Face it. Admit it. Be sorry for it. Ask God to forgive you. He is so happy to forgive us when we call out to his son, Jesus, who took the punishment for our sins, and died on the cross. Jesus gave his life for your sins! Tell him you’re sorry – and thank Him for dying for you and your sin.
· #4 Ask Jesus to come into your life…and…and…I’m not telling the rest. The next part is my story, and it’s so cool. It’s so exciting. But you need your own story. Ask Jesus to come into your life and see what happens.
· #5 If you do that today – tell a friend, tell a camp counselor, tell someone. If you’ve done that before – ditto – tell someone YOUR story!
So, what is it that comes from God? Oh… just…everything: You, me, the world around us. In the beginning God created everything and He called it all good. You can read about that in the first book of the Bible, Genesis.
God created you, cares for you, and loves you. In fact, he lavishes his love on you. 1 John 3:1
says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” God the Father is a great dad. Can you feel the love? If you know him you’ll know his love.
says, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” God the Father is a great dad. Can you feel the love? If you know him you’ll know his love.
Dear Father God, Dad in heaven,
How can I thank you enough for sending Jesus to die for my sins and for sending a helper, the Holy Spirit? I’ll thank you by loving you, listening to you, obeying your Word. With your help I’ll do my best. Thank you for loving me even though I’m so far from perfect. I can almost hear you say, “I love you.” You say it through all the beauty you created right here along French Creek, through the people here, friends and counselors. And, Heavenly Father I want to say… I love you back! Amen.
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French Creek |
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Almost Heaven |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Real Life, Real God, Real Hope
That was the theme of our Alliance Women's Retreat this year. The keynote speaker was Shelli Prindle of Hope and Passion Ministry. Shelli is exuberant to say the least, passionate about Jesus and living life to the fullest while anticipating the new heavens and new earth. She is a math and science geek -- facts and figures astound and scripture pours from her lips. No notes, no prompts, just the message God has made her passionate about spewing forth -- along with spit when she'd get really wound up. And what's not to get wound up about when for this...
a Muddled Conscience -- God gives us Immeasurable Mercy
for Mistaken Fears -- God gives us Infinite Power
for a Mundane Existence -- God gives us Indisputable Passion
and for Myopic Vision -- God gives us an Indescribable Heaven
To hear her attempt to describe that indescribable heaven just makes me think...I can't wait to go there. But wait I will. And while I wait, while I endure the difficult things of this world, I'll revel in the amazing things that God has given, from the grass under my feet to the sky and stars above -- all the proof I need of his existence.
a Muddled Conscience -- God gives us Immeasurable Mercy
for Mistaken Fears -- God gives us Infinite Power
for a Mundane Existence -- God gives us Indisputable Passion
and for Myopic Vision -- God gives us an Indescribable Heaven
To hear her attempt to describe that indescribable heaven just makes me think...I can't wait to go there. But wait I will. And while I wait, while I endure the difficult things of this world, I'll revel in the amazing things that God has given, from the grass under my feet to the sky and stars above -- all the proof I need of his existence.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
How to Write Devotionals for Teens
First, establish your theme. If you've been assigned a theme, make sure you understand that theme. Find out what scripture says about your theme by reading everything pertinent in the Bible in several different versions. You probably don't need this reminder but...for heaven's sake, do not take verses out of context. That would be a very bad example to set for kids.
Then, break your theme into manageable daily bits. Narrow your focus and develop one point per daily devotion.
Devotionals should be kept short, they are not Doctoral dissertations or Masters theses. These readings are generally quick meaningful pieces that include scripture, an anecdote, and an explanation that expounds on the scripture, tying it in with the anecdote. The ending may offer an appropriate quote and a suggested prayer.
Finally, because we're talking about writing for teens, you've got to know kids. Spend time with young people. Know what they love and what they don't like, how they talk, and what and who is hip in their world today. Use that information sparingly; don't over do it. Unless you are still a teenager yourself, don't try to be one. You probably aren't cool enough to pull that off. Just try to speak the language enough to get kids reading. Let them know that you can relate with them on their level without writing down to them. They'll respect you for being a grown up who cares about them and the Word of God.
I would love to take time to give you more tips, but I've got some devotionals to write. Come back later and check on my progress. I'll work my way through my upcoming camp devos right here.
Then, break your theme into manageable daily bits. Narrow your focus and develop one point per daily devotion.
Devotionals should be kept short, they are not Doctoral dissertations or Masters theses. These readings are generally quick meaningful pieces that include scripture, an anecdote, and an explanation that expounds on the scripture, tying it in with the anecdote. The ending may offer an appropriate quote and a suggested prayer.
Finally, because we're talking about writing for teens, you've got to know kids. Spend time with young people. Know what they love and what they don't like, how they talk, and what and who is hip in their world today. Use that information sparingly; don't over do it. Unless you are still a teenager yourself, don't try to be one. You probably aren't cool enough to pull that off. Just try to speak the language enough to get kids reading. Let them know that you can relate with them on their level without writing down to them. They'll respect you for being a grown up who cares about them and the Word of God.
I would love to take time to give you more tips, but I've got some devotionals to write. Come back later and check on my progress. I'll work my way through my upcoming camp devos right here.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Standing Attentively in the Presence of God
Kavanah, a Jewish term for attentiveness to God -- an act or appreciation of being able to stand in the presence of God.
I learned this from a friend's post, We Are One. My friend, Ellen, blogs at Nana Knits and Jams and her posts are some of my favorites to read in the blogosphere. So often she says things that I read and think, wish I'd written that. This is one of those, it resonates Truth. Simple truth. Essential truth. Please do me the favor of clicking over to Nana Knits and Jams to read We Are One. And may you be blessed (as I was) for it!
While you're there enjoy some of her other posts.
In a few weeks I'm heading off to an annual women's retreat. I hope I'll find this kind of refreshing and renewal of mind and spirit.
I learned this from a friend's post, We Are One. My friend, Ellen, blogs at Nana Knits and Jams and her posts are some of my favorites to read in the blogosphere. So often she says things that I read and think, wish I'd written that. This is one of those, it resonates Truth. Simple truth. Essential truth. Please do me the favor of clicking over to Nana Knits and Jams to read We Are One. And may you be blessed (as I was) for it!
While you're there enjoy some of her other posts.
In a few weeks I'm heading off to an annual women's retreat. I hope I'll find this kind of refreshing and renewal of mind and spirit.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
I Used to think that I could not go
I Believe I Can Fly If you have 5 minutes, click this link and enjoy a few minutes of flying, soaring, losing yourself in R, Kelly's music video..
I borrowed this from WORDS-N-EXPRESSIONS a blog worth checking out.
I borrowed this from WORDS-N-EXPRESSIONS a blog worth checking out.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Your God is Too Safe
Your God is Too Safe is a book by Mark Buchanan which we're currently reading in our Sunday morning study group at church as well as in our Friday night small group Bible study. Friday nights we're a few chapters ahead of Sunday mornings, and I'll tell you what, sometimes on the re-read I can't believe I ever heard this stuff before. On Friday I'm a listener, not a reader. Apparently I'm not a good listener, so I'm grateful for the Sunday morning study.
You may recall that in The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, the children ask if the God figure, Aslan the Lion, is safe. The answer is "No, he's not safe -- but he is good."
In the introduction to Your God is Too Safe, Mark Buchanan explains: "God is safe. He is the one in whom we find refuge, our hiding place, a shield about us. He is the God of all comfort. He is the God of peace.
But that's not what I mean when I say we've made God too safe. I mean that we want Him to be comfortable rather than comforting...We want him to be peaceable, to keep His peace, to be docile, rather than to be peacemaking and peace giving. And instead of being our hiding place, we would prefer that God be our ace in the hole."
Here's a quote from Chapter 19, The Honeysuckle Bible, page 203. "...the God we meet in the Bible is often strange, enigmatic, fearsome, unsafe. All these messy stories and earthy details and clay-footed saints." In the next paragraph, Buchanan says that a friend of his was asked in a prayer group if he wanted to confess having read anything in the past month that in some way undermined his faith. "Yes," he said, "The Bible."
I hear ya, brother! I recently had a conversation with a long-time friend. She was ruminating on where she is in her Christian life and beliefs at this point, feeling that her faith was more firm, more certain in her younger days. I knew her then and know her now. We grew up in our faith on a very similar track. I concluded that, yes, we were more certain about what we believed and why, but sadly we were narrow and immature. Life experience makes our faith deeper and broader. We finally know enough to know we don't know much at all. God's ways and thoughts are higher than we can fathom. Just as his love for us is wider and longer and higher and deeper than we can understand. God is not made in our image. And He is not necessarily safe. But He is good -- all the time, in all ways -- He is good.
You may recall that in The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, the children ask if the God figure, Aslan the Lion, is safe. The answer is "No, he's not safe -- but he is good."
In the introduction to Your God is Too Safe, Mark Buchanan explains: "God is safe. He is the one in whom we find refuge, our hiding place, a shield about us. He is the God of all comfort. He is the God of peace.
But that's not what I mean when I say we've made God too safe. I mean that we want Him to be comfortable rather than comforting...We want him to be peaceable, to keep His peace, to be docile, rather than to be peacemaking and peace giving. And instead of being our hiding place, we would prefer that God be our ace in the hole."
Here's a quote from Chapter 19, The Honeysuckle Bible, page 203. "...the God we meet in the Bible is often strange, enigmatic, fearsome, unsafe. All these messy stories and earthy details and clay-footed saints." In the next paragraph, Buchanan says that a friend of his was asked in a prayer group if he wanted to confess having read anything in the past month that in some way undermined his faith. "Yes," he said, "The Bible."
I hear ya, brother! I recently had a conversation with a long-time friend. She was ruminating on where she is in her Christian life and beliefs at this point, feeling that her faith was more firm, more certain in her younger days. I knew her then and know her now. We grew up in our faith on a very similar track. I concluded that, yes, we were more certain about what we believed and why, but sadly we were narrow and immature. Life experience makes our faith deeper and broader. We finally know enough to know we don't know much at all. God's ways and thoughts are higher than we can fathom. Just as his love for us is wider and longer and higher and deeper than we can understand. God is not made in our image. And He is not necessarily safe. But He is good -- all the time, in all ways -- He is good.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
In the Last Days...
I'm not a Harold Camping fan or follower, but if he's right and the world is about to end, I'm okay with that.
Actually that's a ridiculous understatement. I'm okay with beginning life in a place where there are no more tears, no sickness, no pain? I'm okay with meeting God face to face? I'm okay with seeing His glory and falling at his feet sooner rather than later? Yeah? No.
Not okay -- Thrilled! Delighted! Ecstatic at the thought! Those are the words that come closer to describing how I'll feel if I wake up on Sunday, May 22 and find out I've died and gone to heaven.
However, I doubt that's how it's going to be. So I continue happily making my way through Francis Chan's Forgotten God, preparing to write some middle school/high school age devotionals on All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, by God the Holy Spirit. I'm feeling spurred on, my spirit is buoyed by His Spirit. And honestly, I wonder, could it be that these are the days spoken of in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17? "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people."
And although I'm not a supporter of those who think they've figured out the time and date of the very last day, I'm looking forward to it just the same. Meanwhile, there's work to be done. I hope with every last ounce of my being that everyone will fall in love with God before their own last day on earth.
Actually that's a ridiculous understatement. I'm okay with beginning life in a place where there are no more tears, no sickness, no pain? I'm okay with meeting God face to face? I'm okay with seeing His glory and falling at his feet sooner rather than later? Yeah? No.
Not okay -- Thrilled! Delighted! Ecstatic at the thought! Those are the words that come closer to describing how I'll feel if I wake up on Sunday, May 22 and find out I've died and gone to heaven.
However, I doubt that's how it's going to be. So I continue happily making my way through Francis Chan's Forgotten God, preparing to write some middle school/high school age devotionals on All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, by God the Holy Spirit. I'm feeling spurred on, my spirit is buoyed by His Spirit. And honestly, I wonder, could it be that these are the days spoken of in Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17? "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people."
And although I'm not a supporter of those who think they've figured out the time and date of the very last day, I'm looking forward to it just the same. Meanwhile, there's work to be done. I hope with every last ounce of my being that everyone will fall in love with God before their own last day on earth.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Writing Devotionals
I love to write devotional materials. My upcoming assignment includes writing about what may well be the most neglected person of the Trinity -- the Holy Spirit. These devos are for a local summer camp. Inspiration for the theme of this year's camp came from the book of John, chapter 14, verses 16 and 17. The theme is All Things from God the Father, Through God the Son, by God the Holy Spirit.
Francis Chan's book Forgotten God is recommended reading for all of the teachers and leaders of camp. It's recommended reading for the writer of devotionals as well. Me.
Excellent book so far.
Last year I jumped on board and wrote the devotional material a week prior to camp. I'm re-reading last year's devotionals to get in writing-for-teens mode. While I'm at it I'll share.Click the "Devotionals" page tab above, just under the heading of this blog, and you'll find my 4 day series on Spiritual Warfare. Feel free to borrow if you like, tweak and personalize as necessary.. -- I'll be delighted if you give me a byline
Francis Chan's book Forgotten God is recommended reading for all of the teachers and leaders of camp. It's recommended reading for the writer of devotionals as well. Me.
Excellent book so far.
Last year I jumped on board and wrote the devotional material a week prior to camp. I'm re-reading last year's devotionals to get in writing-for-teens mode. While I'm at it I'll share.Click the "Devotionals" page tab above, just under the heading of this blog, and you'll find my 4 day series on Spiritual Warfare. Feel free to borrow if you like, tweak and personalize as necessary.. -- I'll be delighted if you give me a byline
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Why Write the Vision?
Why write at all?
...Because I want to. Because I like to. Because I can.
Do I have a skill? Do I have a talent? Do I have a gift? I don't know, but I do know this...I can't not write.
Why write the vision? Because the day of His coming may be near. And if not that, the day of my going, or your going for that matter, could be near. So, I'd like to write so that many will hear and seek the Lord and call on Him? God's Word says, "Let him who has ears, hear." I say, "Let him or her who has eyes, read."
Also, when I'm called home I want to hear God say, "Good job. You used up everything I gave you."
And so, I write.
"Record the vision
And inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run."
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
...Because I want to. Because I like to. Because I can.
Do I have a skill? Do I have a talent? Do I have a gift? I don't know, but I do know this...I can't not write.
Why write the vision? Because the day of His coming may be near. And if not that, the day of my going, or your going for that matter, could be near. So, I'd like to write so that many will hear and seek the Lord and call on Him? God's Word says, "Let him who has ears, hear." I say, "Let him or her who has eyes, read."
Also, when I'm called home I want to hear God say, "Good job. You used up everything I gave you."
And so, I write.
Habakkuk 2:2 (New American Standard Bible)
2Then the LORD answered me and said,"Record the vision
And inscribe it on tablets,
That the one who reads it may run."
Habakkuk 2:2 (New Living Translation)
2 Then the Lord said to me, “Write my answer plainly on tablets,so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
Habakkuk 2:2 (The Message)
2And then God answered: "Write this.Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
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Me @Jonas — it should be an honor to pray next to a prophet of Baal. I’ve read that our God answered the prayer of one righteous man in a dramatic way even while 400 prophets were trying, sans result, to get Baal’s attention. Wow, it would be so cool to see that happen again!